The expert team at the University of Southampton, UK, speculated that the natural phenomenon of the waves could explain the mysterious disappearances of ships in the Bermuda
For years, scientists all over the world have issued similar explanations about cases disappearing in the Devil's Triangle.
The bombs from the hexagonal cloud bouncing into the sea may cause aircraft and boats to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle.
Hexagonal clouds in Bermuda do not produce bombs that threaten aircraft and cruise ships at sea.
The conspiracy theorists argued that the crystal pyramid structure may have created a mysterious power related to the disappearance of aircraft and ships.
Bermuda is a geographic area located between the state of Florida, the US, the island of Puerto Rico and the island nation of Bermuda.
The disappearances of aircraft and ships were no longer rare, but the strange thing was that after a while missing, they returned completely intact. Aircraft and boats are no
While secretly about the Bermuda area that scientists thought was discovered about 5 years ago, an equally scary version of the Atlantic triangle devil appeared in Jiangxi Province
Such waves exist in the deepest part of the ocean and rarely cause trouble for the majority of the world's population.