The ALMA telescope has just captured a terrifying image from nearly 13 billion years ago, in which filaments of deadly gas are

British scientists have discovered what could be the source of the dark energy that is keeping the universe expanding. It's a monster that lives in the galaxy that contains Earth.

The puzzling objects recently recorded by the James Webb telescope may have existed since the birth of the universe.

Familiar theories about the early universe may have to be rewritten because of

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured a monstrous object 3,000 light years long, born from a monster black hole.

Scientists detected unusual signals that resembled flashing lights,

A monster black hole has puzzled scientists because it appears every eight and a half days

Sagittarius A* is a monster black hole located at the center of the Milky Way, the galaxy where Earth resides.

The aggressive monster black hole discovered by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope may be the missing link in the evolution of the universe.

A study just published online on arxiv.org has confirmed the ability to form a giant solar system with the parent star is a ... black hole monster.