Mars is not a pretty sphere, but rather looks like it has been squashed and distorted many times. Scientists have just found a surprising culprit.

Unlike the satellite named Moon, which is part of the Earth, the two moons Phobos and Deimos of Mars have a very unique nature.

The Perseverance robot observed Deimos, Mars' 12.4-kilometer-wide moon, on the rare occasion of pointing the camera up at the sky.

In the future, Mars may become a copy of Saturn with the surrounding dust belt, formed from the debris of Phobos and Deimos.

Mars' moons can be formed after Mars collides with a primitive planet about the size of a third.

Recently, the Curiosity self-propelled robot has captured pictures showing the two Mars moons are Phobos and Deimos and sent to Earth.

Recently, the Curiosity probe of the US Space Agency - NASA recorded the fascinating sequence of images taken from the surface of the Red Planet on August 1.