Europa is Jupiter's fourth largest moon with a liquid, salty ocean beneath the icy crust. The new finding suggests it may contain essential ingredients for life.

Earth people will have the opportunity to admire the gas giant of the Solar System and the moon of life, its volcanic moon ... in this June.

Scientists have long known the presence of large amounts of hidden water under the Moon Europa ice cover, but it is difficult to access.

According to Mirror, a scientist at the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) said the journey to find aliens would have a major breakthrough in the next 20 years.

New research for that factor

NASA's press conference will reveal findings that are important for finding Jupiter's moon life.

As previously reported, NASA recently held a press conference to announce a very important finding regarding Jupiter's moon Europa.

The primary goal for NASA to find evidence of alien life is Europa - an icy satellite of Jupiter.

Bacteria or germs in other planets may cling to the spacecraft or hide in specimens brought to Earth, and may threaten life on Earth.

According to The Sun, Jupiter's moon Europa is home to a cold, harsh climate, but life can also exist.