Many breakthrough inventions in different fields have appeared in the history of the Giap Thin years.

In the thinking of inventor Samuel Morse, how is the image of horses related to the telegraph?

The message has been solved. But scientists are trying to explain how these Morse-coded dunes are formed.

Many people believe that SOS is an acronym for some rescue questions like 'Save Our Ship

Today, the QWERTY keyboard has become so familiar to us and popular on most technology devices from smartphones, tablets to personal computers.

A small Japanese satellite, which has just been released into space with Vietnam's F-1 satellite, will generate Morse codes with led light, visible throughout the world.

Many people believe that SOS is an acronym for some rescue questions like

Norman Joseph Woodland - one of two American scientists who invented the barcode set - died of Alzheimer's disease and other complications in the elderly.