China is one step closer to measuring the mysterious neutrino particle after installing a giant spherical detector underground in Guangdong province.

Upon further study of how the universe works, particle physics experiments are becoming more complex than ever.

The problem of neutrino energy is very important. It is hard to know about the energy of a neutrino and how much energy it has transferred to the atom that it collides with.

After announcing neutrinos move faster than light last month, physicists from the European Atomic Research Organization (CERN) decided to repeat the experiment in a different way

Neutrinos are subatomic particles with almost no electrical charge, so it rarely interacts with the surrounding environment.

Will the universe continue to expand and eventually end with the state of nihilism that diffuses dry, cold, and black?

Each neutrino (the oldest molecule smaller than an atom) can contain a space larger than thousands of galaxies, according to new simulations.

Last month physicists of the European Atomic Research Organization (CERN) fired 15,000 streams of neutrino particles with a large particle accelerator from Geneva to the Gran Sasso

This observatory, IceCube, was built from a giant block of ice in the southern tip of Antarctica, to detect neutrinos - a type of particle that is thought to be mystical in the

Enrico Fermi, Italian theoretical physicist, is called by friends