The team found a super-bright X-ray source (ULX) in the Whirlpool galaxy thanks to NASA's telescope.

Researchers are focusing on transforming this elusive material between laboratories and using it to study the bizarre effects of rare radionuclides.

An international group of scientists uses the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia, USA, and the William E. Gordon telescope in Puerto Rico to study radio frequency (FRB).

Experts say the explosion that occurred 130 million light years ago generated about half of the universe's gold, platinum, uranium and mercury.

With an estimated life expectancy of 12.7 billion years, the planet called PSR B1620-26b holds the oldest known planetary record.

The Hubble telescope of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) is observing a pair of neutron stars in the galaxy NGC 4993, 130 million light-years from Earth.

Scientists have observed a neutron star in a binary star system called

The alien research scientists of McGill University (Canada) have received 6 more fast radio frequency pulse signals FRB (fast radio bursts) from the same point far from the Milky

A quantum phenomenon takes place with a giant scale of a cosmic star.

Beyond that vast universe, at the Scorpius constellation (Scorpius), 380 light years away, there is an extremely strange star. Star named AR Scorpii.