• A new race will show up

    A new race will show up
    Meave Leakey, a paleontologist of Kenya's Turkana Institute, and colleagues discovered fossil bones and jaw bone of people near the Koobi Fora region in northern Kenya in 2007 and
  • Decipher mysterious human bones in China

    Decipher mysterious human bones in China
    The strange fossil bones that scientists found in southern China may be the remains of a new strain who lived with modern people more than 11,000 years ago.
  • E.coli infection: The culprit is the bean sprouts?

    E.coli infection: The culprit is the bean sprouts?
    The German Minister of Agriculture said, according to a recent test result, the cause of intestinal infection caused by E. coli causes very high bean sprouts, not cucumbers.
  • German bean sprouts are not the source of E.Coli outbreaks

    German bean sprouts are not the source of E.Coli outbreaks
    Test results on a farm in northern Germany suggest that prices grown by organic methods here are not the source of the E. coli outbreak that killed 22 people and infected more than