Taking advantage of physical laws can help Olympic athletes maximize their strength, speed and movement to achieve the highest performance.

Researchers have confirmed that global warming can make many big cities around the world become too hot to host the Summer Olympics in the coming decades.

Japan intends to make artificial meteor shower instead of fireworks during the 2020 Summer Olympic opening ceremony.

5130 medals of the Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics are gradually being perfected under the hands of Brazilian artists.

An army around Beijing will shoot silver io to the clouds so that no water droplets will reach the sports venues.

In order to have fresh air in the last hour before the Olympics, Chinese authorities have suspended dozens of factories and banned strict driving, expelling half of 3.3 million

Asthma is the most common chronic disease for athletes who attend the Olympic Games, a study said. About 8% of Olympic athletes have asthma or narrowing of their airways - one of

Beijing Olympics is coming, many scientists believe that many athletes will still use caffeine (out of the list of stimulants banned from sports) to increase achievement, while

Scientists say the drug-resistant virus is now out of the world of hospitals, which are often found.