The giant iceberg was named B-46 by scientists, covering an area of 225km2, larger than the Manhattan (New York, USA) area, estimated by the US National Ice Center.

Icebergs are more than four times the size of New York's Manhattan area separated from the Pine Island and Antarctic glaciers two months ago, breaking into small pieces, Science

According to The Wall Street Journal, scientists have been interested in studying the changes of glaciers because their state is vital in predicting sea level rise.

According to the report, the six giant glaciers of Antarctica are melting at a rapid rate with the amount of melting ice increasing by 77% between 1973 and now.

The ice melting situation in Antarctica, which is considered a leading threat to sea level rise, will continue for decades or even centuries.

A large iceberg has just separated from Antarctica and is being monitored based on currents and winds, to avoid breaking international sea routes.