One of the familiar images in popular culture today is pirates. Evidence that they appear a lot in books, movies.

On the film, the majority of pirates only know how to kill, robbery has overshadowed the truth about the most organized criminal organization in the world.

If you are a fan of pirate movies, you probably won't know Blackbeard pirates or Jack Sparrow ...

With the big and aggressive warriors that have become legendary, the Vikings once dominated a large Nordic region.

The K-Force is the only K army without a mustache, the eyes of an oyster larger than its brain, a glass ball can pop up higher than a rubber ball, ... is Interesting facts are sure

Pirates do not like to raise parrots, deliberately chop their feet and hide treasures very poorly ... are secrets not everyone knows.

Personal weapons, heavy machine guns, gunboats and sound weapons are tools for the Coast Guard to deal with pirates.

Although they are outlawed, pirates are very devoted to democracy. They are also pioneers in applying the labor insurance regime.

Archaeologists believe the man suspected of piracy was executed under the gallows to warn his accomplices.

51 bodies of naked men were beheaded and placed side by side when heads were neatly arranged next to them - just found in a 1,000-year-old hole in southern England.