It is a primitive tribe in the Amazon, the only place where there are no men and the male gender is not respected.

The tribes living in Omo Valley are facing changes of the times.

Do you still remember the case of the bad American tourist named John Allen Chau recently? Chau illegally invaded India's North Sentinel island.

A tribe living in Ladakh, the Himalayas has a tradition of kissing between the crowd and exchanging wives freely and comfortably.

The Jarawa tribe has only 400 members living on the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean and activists fear they may disappear in the next 10 years, Sun reported.

The tribe's inhabitants live completely isolated from the outside modern world. They are one of the very few minority tribes in Indonesia who still hold bizarre customs.

Living in northern Namibia, the Himba tribe still lives as primitive. Women here do not wear shirts but are bare-chested.

Amazon Aboriginal people live on hunting, gathering and are almost completely separated from the modern world. They raised their bow and arrow in the sky when they saw the plane.

Pirarra, the dialect of the original tribe, currently has only about 350 people living along the Maicí River, the Brazilian Amazon forest area, the most difficult language to learn

The Awa tribe in the Amazon jungle is famous for raising adult wildlife with its own source of milk.