• The creepy prophecy about 2025 of blind prophet Baba Vanga

    The creepy prophecy about 2025 of blind prophet Baba Vanga
    Baba Vanga, the famous blind Bulgarian prophet, left behind chilling predictions about the fate of humanity, including a prophecy about the beginning of the apocalypse in 2025.
  • The world famous prophet

    The world famous prophet
    Referring to the prophets in the world, the first man to remember is Nostradamus because different from other prophets, he is able to guess the fate of the world for a long time,
  • Random coincidence in horrifying tragedies

    Random coincidence in horrifying tragedies
    The mysterious phenomenon involves a coincidence between elements in one or more tragedies that sometimes cannot be explained. They can be purely random, but the way people see
  • Prophet Vanga and predictions about disasters

    Prophet Vanga and predictions about disasters
    Not many people believe in the prediction of the prophets. However, one cannot ignore it when it comes to 70% reality. Let's see the prophecies of Vanga through the article below
  • Best news aggregation week 03/07

    Best news aggregation week 03/07
    Prophet Vanga and catastrophic predictions, scientific mysteries that hurt scientists, magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world, ... are news that interest
  • Summary of news 'singing' the most on March 4

    Summary of news 'singing' the most on March 4
    The mystery of birds signaling death, the predictions of the disaster of the prophet Vanga, the stories of water ghosts, drinking honey the best time ... are the news that many