A large-scale biological study of evolution theory conducted by scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden showed the cause of impact, promoting the development of other forms of

The way used by proteins allows cells to absorb substances from their surroundings, while keeping other substances outside, is revealed in the journal Science Express.

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego and the Salk Biological Research Institute have discovered a family of green

Scientists from India's National Plant Genome Research Institute have successfully cultivated a genetically modified potato strain.

Plants have the function of regulating the growth state according to the four-season temperature change, so what do they rely on to recognize the temperature change of the outside

Earlier this week, researchers announced that they had found molecular markers of colony collapse disorder (CCD), which killed one-third of honey bees in the United States in the

Bats' proteins are resistant to aging, so they live much longer than those of the same size. This finding may lead to the introduction of life-long drugs.

Recently scientists have clarified the life of bacteria in harsh environments. Research by Professor Peter Golyshin of Bangor University, with an international research group,

Scientists at Washington University at St. Louis was the first to identify two proteins that act as mechanically sensitive ion tube activity in plant roots. They have long known

American scientists have developed a device capable of detecting cancer for about 20,000 VND.