In addition to using it as fertilizer, researchers are using cow dung to filter seawater into pure fresh water.

As the water becomes more pure, the stronger the ionic bonding force between them, and the more easily the water dissolves the molecule of any compound.

The living water of the people in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, Canada, is taken from the icebergs formed thousands of years ago and stuck here.

If you go to the Tokachi River in Hakkaido of Japan at this time, you will be extremely excited to see an extremely rare natural phenomenon appearing scattered on the river bank.

Did you know, all of the fresh water on Earth now passes through the mouth of the dinosaurs and is released to the outside in the form of urine?

Although tested does not contain rare medicinal ingredients, holy streams still miraculously heal illnesses.

Before we learn about basic rain, we need to know a little about rain and acid rain. Normally, people will consider acidity - base of rainwater based on pH scale

Every summer, the experienced seafarer Ed Kean, 53, set out for the North Atlantic to collect ice sheets off the Greenland glacier and drift south.

Israel's air-water production machine ordered by Hanoi City can condense water vapor into pure water at an affordable price and is very suitable for Hanoi's climate.

By cooling the pure water bottle at a moderate level and tapping the bottle lightly, we can turn liquid water into ice in an instant.