An amateur metal detectorist has found a valuable treasure trove in a bog near Veksø, Denmark. Among them is a sword that is about 2,500 years old.

Prohibiting the bride and groom to bathe, go to the toilet and not leave the house within 72 hours is one of the most lavish customs in the world.

In the 1900s, public opinion shook when the young South African girl was possessed by demons after making a contract with Satan.

George Washington University has discovered cloths using the 6,200-year-old indigo dye when excavating the ancient ritual of Huaca Prieta in northern Peru in 2007.

A new study shows that, two thousand years ago, Egyptians bought cat mummies from cattle farmers to serve as sacrificial sacrifices for the goddess Bastet. In Egypt around 332 BC

In just a few hours after hatching, a newborn Barnacle goose will have to make an extraordinary jump, more than 120 meters from its nest on the cliff to the ground below.

The prophecy of the great disasters will take place in 2015, 7 very worldly gruesome sacrifices of living people, the fearsome prophecies of genius Stephen Hawking, the secret of