The living water of the people in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, Canada, is taken from the icebergs formed thousands of years ago and stuck here.

http://ttvn.vn/games/dung-nuoc-may-de-sinh-hoat-hang-ngay-nhung-ban-da-biet-mui-cua-chung-co-y-nghia-gi-chua- -7201685223459154.htm

One day, the system will filter 18 m3 of sea water into living water for people and soldiers in Truong Sa to use.

People face many epidemics due to severe water pollution and extreme weather appear more and more dense.

After examining more than 421 river basins around the world, the research team focused on 97 areas that provide clean water to more than 2 billion people worldwide.

The prolonged drought in recent years has caused Uganda, Central Africa, and Kenya to fall into serious scarcity of freshwater, seriously affecting people's lives.

The proposal to postpone the construction of hydropower dams on the mainstream of the Mekong for at least 10 years is the unanimous opinion put forward at the National Conference