The signs revealed by two of the thirteen skulls point to an even more gruesome truth concerning the pyramid in the eastern plaza of the Moral-Reforma citadel.

At least 42 children were sacrificed in Tenochtitlán to appease the rain god's anger during a prolonged drought.

A new study has found evidence of the Stone Age method of killing people by tying and burying women alive in sacrificial rituals at 14 sites in Europe.

People will face many difficulties with the risk of schistosomiasis, malaria and must follow old customs.

A volcanic-shaped pyramid can be used by ancient Peruvians to organize ceremonies to welcome a total solar eclipse.

New research has shown that this mummy used coca leaves and alcohol during the months before his death.

Red robes on the clothes of two sacrificed Inca young women hundreds of years ago could be used to stop grave thieves.

At the peak of the city, in 1050, the population here reached 30,000 people. This is the largest city in the past that once existed, on a scale far beyond Paris or London.

Scientists have announced that mummies are found in the swamp of Laois, Ireland dating to ... 4,000 years.