The material is said to be the world's best semiconductor that transmits both electrons and holes, and conducts heat 10 times more efficiently than silicon.

With so many transistors, why do we rarely hear about transistor cases, or processor chips that have damaged transistors inside.

The proposed new Weyl Type II is one of the future fermions.

While a paper-thin computer is still a dream for each of us, but with a new material, such computers are still too thick.

European physicists have successfully fabricated a new material, called artificial graphene, which promises to revolutionize the technology.

Researchers from the University of North Carolina have inspired sunflowers to design higher-efficiency solar cells.

A team of scientists led by chemistry professor Xiaoyang Zhu, at the University of Texas, Austin, USA, found that using organic plastic semiconductors could double. Quantities of

The researchers were led by Dr. Ole Martin Løvvik, working at the Center for Nanoscience and Materials Science, University of Oslo, Norway, claiming to have made thermoelectric

A flexible LED can be placed on the heart, brain, blood vessels to diagnose, even to treat various diseases?