In the Blue Bird world, smart drums are more likely to find partners than other guys.

100 big and small monkeys did not miss the opportunity to quickly attack the car donated by Longleat Safari (India) zoo employees.

Danish scientists have built the smartest and most ecological building on Earth.

After passing a Microsoft competition at age 8, M.Lavinashree has now become the youngest open source system engineer (RHCE) in the world when he was 10 years old.

Oscar Wrigley, a two-year-old baby, is judged by experts to be the smartest, smartest of the kids they know ...

While classmates paint with crayons, Lim Ding Wen, 9 years old, can paint on an iPhone with software he writes himself.

Smokers have a lower IQ than non-smokers and the longer the smoking time, the more deteriorated the human mind is.

Internet access helps people maintain the ability to think sharply when we enter old age ...

A recent study has shown that children whose mothers eat large amounts of licorice during pregnancy are less intelligent than normal children.

Dutch firm Philips has developed a capsule that allows the drug to be released into specific places in the intestine.