As many pollinating insects are disappearing due to many factors, the idea of using a soap gun to pollinate pollen is an effective solution.

Water evaporates from the covering membrane, causing soap bubbles to explode even when no external forces are present.

Soap plays an extremely important role in our lives. They are used in many forms - bath soaps, shampoos, hand washes ... and have a multitude of different colors.

Naqoura Beach in Lebanon looks like an immense snow carpet when large amounts of sponges form and cover the water, Smithsonian reported on January 31.

The frozen bubbles create snow flowers that sparkle under the sunlight.

Soap bubbles always make people excited and excited thanks to the

Inspired by the colorful reflections on soap bubbles, Richard Heeks has

Soap bubbles are usually spherical because water molecules often exist in the smallest form of surface area, according to Seeker.

At the Human and Computer Technology Conference (ACM CHI) on May 1, scientists introduced the science-based SensaBubble project under the guidance of Professor Sriram Subramanian.