The UK team developed glass bricks that can collect solar energy to supply buildings, vehicles or storage in batteries.
Using solar cells is a way of recovering a renewable source of renewable energy. But another 'classical' way is ...
Associate Professor Laszlo Kalman Department of Physics Concordia University (Canada) and colleagues have found a way to extend the energy storage time of an enzyme like pin in
By filtering and absorbing water vapor directly in the air, each battery can filter 5 liters of water per day and has a tank of up to 30 liters.
US scientists invented ultra-thin and ultra-light photovoltaic batteries, which can be placed on top of soap bubbles without breaking them.
Stanford University scientists built the first solar cell made entirely of carbon, promising to replace the expensive materials used in photovoltaic devices today.
Australian scientists have studied how to produce solar panels by
Tourist boat, electric motor of Vina Siam Joint Venture Company (Quang Binh) has just received the creative award VIFOTEC.
Common solar panels have one drawback: they can only generate electricity on the sun's side, which means that on the front of the battery the sunlight cannot be used.
According to estimates by energy industry experts, China will face extreme problems related to solar panels over the next two decades.