To solve the power shortage, a city in Spain for installing hundreds of solar panels in the cemetery to produce electricity.

The slow flow of sea water and river water can become a potential alternative energy source.

This device senses movements, strong bumps that can scratch the data reader on the hard disk surface and warn of earthquakes.

If white replaces dark colors on roofs, sidewalks, roads of the world's 100 largest cities, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by 44 billion tons.

According to a study published in the July 11 issue of the journal Nature, American scientists have found a way to measure seismic wave frequency changes, helping build an early

Scientists and their colleagues at the US Department of Agriculture (ARS) have developed a new barley that benefits the environment as well as farm animals.

Using the wind-driven propeller to turn into a rotary motion, then transfer that mechanical energy into a flywheel into a

With the technical support of Ebara Group (Japan), many residential areas, tourist areas, trade villages and industrial zones in some localities in the Red and Mekong River basins

In the face of rising oil prices, ensuring energy security has become a global concern, the search for alternative energy sources is becoming a common goal and solution for many

Last Monday, CO2 was first pumped into a gas storage site at Ketzin near Potsdam (Germany). This storage can be a pioneer for the future giant storage.