At 13:00 on August 28, the location of the storm center was about 17.0 degrees North; 116.0 degrees east, about 450km to the east of the Paracel Islands.

Tropical depressions near the South China Sea are forecast to be able to become storms and enter the South China Sea region around August 28-29.

The ongoing rain in the Central Highlands has caused heavy losses in people and property. Meanwhile, Phu Quoc is also in unusual flooding.

Tonight and tomorrow, the waters from Binh Thuan to Kien Giang, the Gulf of Thailand, the South China Sea region have showers and thunderstorms.

Chapter 04 hours on October 10, the location of the center of the storm at about 21.5 degrees North; 117.2 Kinh Dong, about 350km from Hong Kong (China) to the East of Southeast.