For a long time the pigeons have been trained by humans to deliver letters and even make the 'intelligence agents' harmful. Currently these birds are often attached to extremely

Blue ball pen ink includes dye, fatty acid and alcohol to ensure uniform ink, quick drying and paper sticking.

For the first time, these real-life spy tools were publicly posted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on a special website.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently released classified documents showing that World War I spies had printed messages on their toenails and used lemonade to write

Earlier in the week, the transport missile from the Wanderberg US Air Force base in California was launched into orbit an NROL 49 satellite, thanks to the US Delta IV rocket.

The CIA's secret museum is a place to store and display hundreds of artifacts used by spies since World War 2.

There are many stories about cooperation between special agencies and those with extraordinary abilities who are called

It is small enough to fit into a soldier's backpack and can fly at a speed of 48 km / h. He could not only fly, he could also tumble, land on the ground and hide in the windows to

Although not connected to the Internet at the hideout, Osama bin Laden is still the person who writes a lot of emails and creates a confidential communication system, always one

If it appears on your computer chip, every current protection becomes meaningless, and you won't even be able to detect it.