A team of engineers from the US has successfully designed solar panels that mimic the ability of sunflowers to direct sunlight, through the use of smart nanotechnology.

Ever wonder what bright yellow sunflowers mean in life? On a certain occasion if you get a bunch of sunflowers, think about the amazing significance of this flower.

It took many centuries until now, scientists to really understand the exact cause of the phenomenon, sunflowers always face the sun.

The strange appearance of some sunflowers in Vincent Van Gogh's paintings is not a consequence of mental illness. Researchers have found evidence that this is a picture of the

Good accessibility to flowers and sunflower pollen can help vulnerable bees avoid pathogens.

Sunflowers follow the sun thanks to the biological clock mechanism and not completely follow the light as previously predicted.

Richard Hope, a talented farmer in the United Kingdom, has defended many Guinness records of cultivation such as the biggest beet, the heaviest chives ... This year, he continues

The technique of growing sunflowers is not difficult, with just a few simple steps, there is a huge

Japan 's Ministry of Agriculture - Forestry - Fisheries has published research results, tested radioactive decontamination measures in the soil in Fukushima Prefecture, whereby

Last March earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused a nuclear disaster that made Cesi (Cs) radioactive material quite high in Fukushima prefecture and surrounding areas.