Water on Earth, one of the planet's most precious resources, seems to be inexhaustible.

When we prepare food such as bone tunnel, boil meat very often see white bubbles floating on the water. So what is the bubble really, is there any nutrients or toxic substances

Honey can flow in a long line without drops, a phenomenon that has puzzled scientists for a long time.

Water evaporates from the covering membrane, causing soap bubbles to explode even when no external forces are present.

The tension of the water surface and the small weight of insects allow them to travel on water without sinking.

In the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci - the eminent genius of Italy - happened to see images of ripples radiating in a circle when the droplet hit the lake next to where he lived.

Scientists have found a mechanism to help pumice float for years, as well as their sinking and floating phenomenon.

The belief that water has only three solid, liquid, and gas forms is no longer suitable when scientists find that hot water between 40 and 60 degrees C begins to switch between two

Someone has said that the real signal for a scientific discovery is not

The coins in the world are all made of metal. But already metal, of course, cannot float on the water, because the metal has a much higher specific gravity than water.