As we often see, well water in the winter is usually warmer than the water in the tank or warmer than the winter temperature.

July 4 seems to be a day that never brings luck to the United States when the most extreme weather patterns often appear at this time of year. Let's review those memorable

The Merchant Specialist, chairman of the World Meteorological Organization's Climate and Disaster Committee (WMO), explains the extreme weather phenomenon in cold weather in 2015

According to a reporter at the United Nations, on March 29, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that global warming has led to changes in

According to the BBC, in this experiment, researchers have been able to run nearly 10,000 climate simulations on volunteers' computers. The physical parameters obtained between

A study by Iowa State University scientists showed that wind turbines commonly used in the state's clean energy supply system have a positive side effect on crops.