There are many strange things in the orbit of the Sun that astronomers have not yet liked. Here are 10 unexplained natural phenomena in our Solar System.

Planet 9 is said to be 10 times larger than the Earth and can cause dramatic disturbances in the Solar System.

A group of astronomers believed to be able to identify the mysterious 9th planet at the outer edge of the solar system for about 16 months.

Research by British scientists shows that if it really exists, the 9th planet could cause a terrible chaos for the Solar System once the Sun dies.

Astronomers from Spain and Britain accused planet X of destroying the solar system. This means that some large celestial bodies result from its gravitational pull from the solar

Swiss astronomers found the 9th planet to have a solid iron core surrounded by ice and thick gas.

The ninth planet also hidden at the edge of the solar system may belong to another star who passed by a long time ago.