Perhaps we are not the only intelligent creatures in the universe, but it seems the chances of finding aliens are very vague.

Scientists have discovered a single-celled, bacterial-like organism that appeared on Earth 3.8 billion years ago and is believed to be the ancestor of life on earth.

Science developed, achieved unexpected achievements, but until now, scientists still succumb to many mysterious phenomena.

A study published on October 2 in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences said that life on Earth stems from frequent meteorites.

On July 27, told AFP news agency from the ground checkpoint in Cologne, Mr. Andreas Schuetz of DLR German Aeronautics Agency said all contact information for the Philae probe had

Researching the surface of Mars can help scientists decipher the origin of life on Earth.

Scientists have long wondered how atoms can work together to form the molecular components of three major living organisms, ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and

Signals from hydroxylamine molecules are an important basis for finding the origin of life on the planet about 3.6 billion years ago.

A comprehensive survey of the Australian National University shows that the space suitable for life on Mars is even greater than Earth.

In the latest issue of the American Journal of Digital Science, researchers from the Molecular Biology Laboratory - the British Medical Research Commission have revealed that they