Michel de Nostredame, famous as Nostradamus, is a French philosopher, astrologer and prophet since the 16th century.

Famous world prophets such as Vanga, Nostradamus have left horrifying predictions about the events that will take place in 2017. And even present prophets continue to make

The two prophets Vanga and Nostradamus mentioned that a man from Russia would help restore order in Syria. Experts say that person is Mr. Putin.

The French girl Kaede Uber has long been dubbed the legend of the legendary prophetess Vanga with the ability to see the future.

A research institute of Vanga's prophecies was established in the capital Sofia. However, they still cannot explain her special ability.

The blind prophet Baba Vanga famously named the world as: Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, after marriage, she changed her name to Vangelia Gushterova.

Before his death, the blind prophet Vanga predicted: A girl living in France will inherit her ability. So,

Countless predictions about the last day of the world have appeared, but so far the earth is still peaceful.

The prophet Vanga predicted many traumatic events but could not prevent it from happening to his family.