Freshwater fish are fish species that live primarily in freshwater environments, such as rivers and lakes, with salinity less than 0.05%. Below is a list of popular freshwater fish

Which fish is the most dangerous? Maybe you think that the title will belong to sharks and electric eels? No, it's just a common carp.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has issued a warning about TiLV virus.

Instead of raising their own children to eat cannibalism from the beginning, a fish seeks to push them away, catching farmed tilapia in their mouths.

Portuguese scientists discovered that male tilapia used their own urine to attract mates.

Center for innovative technology application (Ciatec) in Guanajuato state, Mexico, has successfully developed the use of tilapia skin instead of the skin of rare reptile species in

Two tilapia a large and small one sticking together in the abdomen are the focus when they are said to be very rare.

Tilapia contains less nutrients. Researchers from Wake Forest School of Medicine have studied and produced a report on the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in common fish.