Females can actively mate with males of another species if that provides a better chance of adaptation, the new study says.
In this strange island, the toad will quickly become the dominant species but must be exchanged for defects in the body.
Black bipedal creature suspects that toadfish are found in a bay area of New Zealand.
Scientists who discovered the small species of Palawan have disappeared during the last 40 years in the Philippines, during last year's jungle research trip.
The mouse that is clinging to the debris in the middle of the pond is lucky that a toad appears, he jumps onto the back to go back to shore.
According to Dr. Huy, to distinguish the new eyebrow toad with other species of the same species Leptolalax must have meticulous observations of the pupils' eyes, eyelid colors,
The British Daily Mail recently reported that zoologists have discovered the trail of Wendy's wild toad - one of the world's rarest animals - at the forest conservation area of
Scientists from Belfast University of England have won awards