On the morning of March 21, hundreds of people in Trieu Giang commune (Trieu Phong district, Quang Tri province) still rushed to watch the ancient turtles discovered at Trinh Hai

According to the latest announcement of the World Union for Turtle Conservation, Vietnam ranks second after China when there are four species belonging to the 25 most endangered

Have you ever wondered what is inside the medium thick and hard turtle shell?

It is thought that the age of turtles can be determined by studying growth rings in the shell, but in fact, this is difficult unless it is known when they hatch the eggs.

A group of international experts have discovered hundreds of individual turtles, including at least 16 of the 25 species of native tortoises and native freshwater turtles in

On March 9 more than 170 countries attended the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in Thailand, agreeing to increase the protection level for some