The sukhala houses are located in the complex - the residence of community leaders.

Sentences, Tet greeting cards, lucky bags, year-round tray are signs of spring touching the lane.

In the old New Year, the fireworks were burned by the house, and the fireworks were only used for Tet. In the old days, the whole family gathered together banh chung, today many

In order to avoid the first misfortune, the Orochi thought of the strange custom of creating fake couples, changing their husbands and wives. False couples can freely have sex

Portugal is a wonderful country with many beautiful landscapes, rich in historical values and traditional culture.

Behaviors seem to be very normal in Vietnam, but they are a ticket that takes you to prison for a few days in some countries around the world.

Prohibiting the bride and groom to bathe, go to the toilet and not leave the house within 72 hours is one of the most lavish customs in the world.

On the last day of the old year, what Vietnamese people usually have? The infographic below will give you the most satisfactory answer.