Scientific research shows that the special structure of two knees can be the main cause of the overwhelming success of Jamaican sprinter athletes.

According to the results of a recent study, people who run fast are not due to long-term training, but because they have innate qualities that help them run fast.

Usain Bolt - Jamaican athletes are dubbed

According to the new British hypothesis, it is the transcendent structure of the athlete's body that motivates success on the speed track.

Scientists for the first time discover that overconfident people are more likely to succeed.

Perhaps Usain Bolt is no longer a strange name for many people in the world because he is the holder of the Olympic record and the world in the running 100m and 200m.

With runways, camcorders and a piece of chicken, scientists are trying to discover the mystery of the speed of cheetahs.

A team of NASA engineers, a group of MIT students and a Puma sponsor, introduced a BeatBot, a robot that could