Tan Thuy Hoang, Vo Tac Thien, Viet Vuong Cau Tien are three characters associated with the mystery from historical artifacts that science still has not explained.

Genghis Khan, Emperor Nero, Vo Tac Thien ... are among the 10 most cruel monarchs in human history, even killing relatives.

Chinese media reported in early 2013, archaeologists discovered more than 1,700 relics of the Buddha in Gansu province (China) on the Silk Road.

Xian is one of the oldest Chinese capital, the capital of Shaanxi Province, associated with characters like Qin Shi Huang, Tang Ming Huang, and Vo Tac Thien ...

The little princess who was born a few days passed away. Two Prince Ly Hoang and Ly Hien also died suddenly. Folk and history books are all arranged by Vo Tac Thien.

Li Li Hien had to commit suicide, deposed Li Triet was the political steps of the ambitious woman Vo Tac Thien.