In August 1964, the first Nimbus satellite was launched into space, paving the way for a series of satellites to observe Earth later.

In May Africa will launch its first private satellite into space to track the changing weather and climate of the entire continent.

On November 19, the US launched a latest generation weather satellite capable of capturing weather and atmospheric phenomena at 30 seconds per image.

Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) said on October 7, Japan successfully launched the Himawari-8 weather observing satellite from Tanegashima space center in Kagoshima Prefecture,

The European Aeronautics Agency (ESA) on May 9 officially announced the end of Envisat's mission, the world's largest environmental monitoring satellite, lost contact last month.

Soviet's first fully operational weather satellite Meteor-1, on March 26, fell back to the earth's atmosphere after more than four decades in orbit, the US Strategic Command said.

The latest images of the Earth are taken from a distance of 22,369 miles from Russia's Elektro-L 1 Weather Satellite, which has just been taken by surprise. The color taken from