What would Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great or Van Gogh look like in the 21st century?

They are famous geniuses from a very young age and from childhood they have done things that not many adults can succeed like them.

At the time of birth, the great celebrities of history had immortal statements and words that shook the hearts of millions of people.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's history is a genius composer who was able to compose right from the age of 3.

Newton, Einstein or Michelangelo ... are famous geniuses in human history but few know that they carry many abnormal neurological symptoms.

It may be rare for us to be parents of children considered

Regardless of whether autism has made the lives of these geniuses face many difficulties that ordinary people do not have, but according to some opinions, thanks to their autism,

Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton or Mozart are geniuses. So how does their brain work? Is it different from ordinary people?

Famous prodigies and geniuses always have an interesting anecdotes about their childhood.

The world has witnessed the emergence of many prodigies, their talents and intellect are revealed from an early age, far beyond human imagination. Many of them have become great