NASA has just released a stunning image of the Man Khoi Nebula 5,000 light years from Earth.

The observed pair of stars is being formed by the accretion of energy from surrounding massive disks of matter.

Astronomers in the US have discovered an alien planet orbiting one of the brightest young stars.

The sun and stars like it can cause energy explosions to break down electrical networks, telecommunications systems and related devices and satellites.

Scientists took pictures of two growing exoplanets, sucking matter around the newly formed star. This is the second planetary system with more than one planet ever taken.

Scientists have discovered a rare galaxy, about 359 million light-years from Earth, that has a unique circular structure that has never been seen before.

Scientists found that the brightness of the star EPIC 204278916 unexpectedly dropped by 65% for 25 consecutive days, proving it was blocked by something huge.

The stars may turn pink when swallowing an iron-rich planet, similar to the pink-feathered crane birds that eat a lot of shrimp.

Scientists have discovered a strange star ring around the super-star Kappa Ori.

Green wandering stars are dubbed vampires in the universe because they specialize