Techniques for growing black roses

The petite roses are small but equally brilliant compared to other rosewood beds, which are very suitable for home decoration but the planting techniques are not difficult.

The petite roses are small but equally brilliant compared to other rosewood beds, which are very suitable for home decoration but the planting techniques are not difficult.

Red billions (small red rose) or jasmine pink, belong to the pink family, often grow into dust, colorful small flowers, flowers are durable and beautiful in natural living conditions. Dark rose flowers can be used to grow into decorative flowerbeds, gardens or planted into beautiful little flower pots to decorate balconies and corridors where natural sunshine is available. Besides, roses are perennial plants, grown all year round and give flowers often if growers master the techniques of growing flowers and take care of the growth requirements of the plants.

Choose land and make soil

Suitable soil for rose cultivation is meat soil, or light ground meat, so choose places where high land is not flooded, flat soil, porous, with pH = 6.0 - 6.5, full bright enough. If planting roses in pots, note choosing earthen pots or ceramic pots with the aim of not increasing the temperature of the soil in the summer.

Picture 1 of Techniques for growing black roses

The technique of planting rosewood is not difficult but requires meticulous care.(Illustration)

Temperature, light and humidity

Light is the most important factor for the growth and flowering of black roses, so growers should pay attention to this factor in the technique of growing black roses. Light not only has a direct impact on trees but also changes a variety of other external factors such as temperature, evapotranspiration. Flower growers should choose the direction of sunshine to shine in the morning or sunshine, because urban houses are often obscured by the lack of sunlight.

Appropriate temperature is also an important factor in the technique of growing black roses. The optimal temperature for roses depends on variety, generally from 23 - 250 degrees C. Night temperature is more important than day temperature, most varieties are suitable for night temperature of 160 degrees C. Lower than temperature This plant grows slowly, yields are low but the quality is high and vice versa.

Moisture depends on temperature, light and water mode. Moisture suitable for rose plants from 70 - 80%.

Picture 2 of Techniques for growing black roses

Mastering the techniques of planting flowers will help growers get beautiful flower pots to decorate their homes.(Illustration)

Flower planting techniques

When planting the left hand holding the tree, the right hand should lighten the soil around the root, gently press the tree to stand, avoid breaking the roots of the plant, and then completely water it. Depending on the size of the basin or pots, choose the appropriate planting distance to ensure that the leaves are fully lighted, avoiding growing too close to each other.

If in case the growers want cuttings instead of planting trees with available roots, then they can choose the branch of the cake (the branch is not too old and not too young), then use a sharp knife to cut into sections of 8-10cm and soak it right into the pot Clean water. Then use a sharp knife to cut the original section again, this time it should be slightly trimmed. Plug branches into cuttings (clean sand) and use sprays to spray mist for about 4 hours once, after about 10 days, branches will begin to root. Now gently remove the branch with the roots and plant it in the soil as above.

How to water

This is an indispensable step in the technique of planting black roses. Water plants with light sprinklers evenly in the morning, if on hot sunny days, water more for plants that do not wilt, take note when watering in the cool but not too late to leave the water no longer leaves and overnight buds are easy to create. environment for pest and disease development. If the pot plant should be watered twice a day.

Picture 3 of Techniques for growing black roses

Flower growers must not only follow the techniques of growing flowers but also need to take care of flowers properly.(Illustration)


Hong billion soot is like a rose flower asking for nutrition to be fully nourished, especially in the spring and the collection of additional fertilizer can be done using manure or NPK with a buffalo head for roses. Summer trees need much nutrition but fertilize in hot periods when the amount of fertilizer is in low quantity, many times in the evening.

After planting 3-5 days of foliar spraying as: Atonik. B1, green leaves 16.16.8, HPV 30.10.10, seaweed . to help plants develop good root systems with bright colors.Take care not to water the flowers, which will make the flowers fade.

From 10-15 days when the roots of young trees come out, apply additional fertilizer such as: Dynamic, bat manure, NPK or DAP fertilizer… apply around the tree base to finish filling, use teaspoons to measure Fertilizer for safety. Avoidance affects the roots of rose plants and feces are not close to the tree. Then irrigate the water to help the plant absorb nutrients well. Periodically apply once a month to apply foliar spraying and 1 time of alternating root application. If soaking with water to irrigate, use 1 teaspoon / 4 liters of water, water in the early morning or late afternoon, water on the leaves, stems, stem .

Picture 4 of Techniques for growing black roses

Small rose roses are small but will be extremely brilliant if growers master the techniques of growing flowers.(Illustration)

How to trim

After having done the technique of planting roses, the growers should also regularly remove the damaged flower leaves and the flowers have bloomed, when cutting need to cut the tops to add two layers of leaves to make the rose tree with stabbing power New branches, from each end of that branch will produce new flower buds. Observe if the tree for the new branch has a deep burgundy color and stout branches signaling that the tree is provided with enough nutrients. On the contrary, the rose tree for a weak and sick branch will need to be strengthened for the next pruning.

If growers want to cut flowers to plug, they should cut roses in the early morning or late afternoon because this time the tree is still full of plastic, many water so the flowers are long and long-gone. before cutting, water more than normal so that the plant stores a quantity of water for the flower (because after cutting the rose it will evaporate water).

Note, after cutting is finished, plug the rose tree into clean water, cross-cut mark to allow water to penetrate into the trunk. Before plugging into the jar, cut one more stroke. Use a sharp knife to cut or use scissors to cut the tree, not to stab the trunk. At the moment of cutting, it is necessary to count from the bottom of the branch to leave about 3 leaves for the remaining pink branch to produce 3 new buds. Growers should also prune off a bad branch and leave 2 strong branches, besides needing to trim broken or bad branches.

Update 16 December 2018



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