The 200-year-old stone uterus weighs 3kg in England

The unusual round-shaped object on the pelvis of a woman's skeleton was originally thought to be a skull, but the analysis showed that this was a calcified uterus weighing more than 3kg.

The unusual round-shaped object on the pelvis of a woman's skeleton was originally thought to be a skull, but the analysis showed that this was a calcified uterus weighing more than 3kg.

The 200-year-old petrified uterus was discovered

This is considered the largest calcified or calcified uterus ever excavated. Mental Floss on September 25 said that the uterus belonged to a woman over 50 years old, buried in a shroud at St Michael's Lytton in Chichester, England, the graveyard used since the end of the Middle Ages to the century. 19.

In 2011, scientists at the University of London, England, excavated the site before a housing construction plan began. The woman's skeleton is one of nearly 2,000 tombs discovered in the graveyard, with various types of burials such as wrapping in a burial cloth, in a coffin or a brick tomb.

Picture 1 of The 200-year-old stone uterus weighs 3kg in England

The large calcified uterus is located in the woman's pelvis skeleton.(Photo: Ancient Origins).

Scientists estimate that the calcified uterus is at least 200 years old. It is unclear whether its development has contributed to the death of this woman.

Carolyn Rando, a London-based legal anthropologist, said this is one of the largest tumors ever discovered in archeology.

"I have never seen any tumor that big before, so do my colleagues. We are excited by this discovery," she said.

In the description of Mental Floss, a woman with a petrified tumor over the age of 50 had lost all her teeth and suffered from osteoporosis when she died, estimated in the 17th-19th century.The calcified uterine tumor comes from just a few benign tumors, often called uterine fibroids , a benign tumor that occurs in women of reproductive age with a probability of up to 40%. Most of the time, tumors are just normal soft tissue. However, when they grow too large, they can get out of the blood vessels and gradually harden.

Picture 2 of The 200-year-old stone uterus weighs 3kg in England

Archaeologists conduct excavations at St Michael's Lytton graveyard in Chichester, southeast England.(Photo: Center for Applied Archeology / UCL).

"I can imagine this woman having problems with going to the toilet. I don't think she will be comfortable having a tumor like having a full-day fetus. Surely she I know there's something wrong, " Rando speculated.

However, because women live long while the tumor takes a long time to develop, it is likely that the tumor does not significantly affect her life, Rando said.

Rando and his colleagues came to this conclusion after cutting and cutting the tumor into two parts to study the internal structure. In a report published in the September issue of the International Journal of Biophysical Medicine, scientists in turn removed many of the causes of this case, including the possibility of development. a petrified fetus , also called lithopedion .

Picture 3 of The 200-year-old stone uterus weighs 3kg in England

An image of a petrified fetus, lithopedion, exists in a woman's body for 55 years.During the pregnancy of petrification, women still experience 5 pregnancies without any problems.(Photo: Wikipedia).

This is the phenomenon of fetal death in the fetus and calcification in the uterus under the mechanism of reaction against foreign objects , in order to protect the mother's body from the fetal tissue die. According to Ancinet Origins, women who carry fetal stones in humans usually give birth normally.

Update 17 December 2018



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