The AI ​​predicts the time of death more accurately than the doctor

Even the creators of AI don't know why it has this extraordinary ability.

Based on available health data, AI can predict the likelihood of a patient dying within a year, even if the information looks very normal from the perspective of a specialist.

According to Newscientist, Dr. Brandon Fornwalt, who works at Geisinger Healthcare Center, Pennsylvania (USA), and his colleagues assigned an AI to read 1.77 million ECG measurements of near 400,000 patients and make predictions about the possibility of death in the following year.

Picture 1 of The AI ​​predicts the time of death more accurately than the doctor
Artificial intelligence does a better job than doctors in predicting the likelihood of death from cardiovascular disease.(Photo: Newscientist).

ECG is a graph of changes in the heart's electrical current, used in medicine to detect heart conditions such as arrhythmia, heart failure, and myocardial infarction.

The researchers trained two different versions of AI, one receiving raw ECG data, while the other machine added information about the patient's age and gender.

The performance of AI is determined by AUC, a measurement tool to find the difference between the two groups of subjects, this case is the death within a year and those who are still alive.

The AI ​​has achieved a score of 0.85, the result is impressive because the maximum score of this measurement is 1 and the minimum is 0.5. According to Brandon Fornwalt, the predictive model used by doctors today usually results from 0.65 to 0.8.

The AI ​​accurately predicts the risk of death even in people who are confirmed by the cardiologist to have a normal ECG. In this study, the three doctors individually considered the normal appearance of the ECG, they could not determine the risk of death but AI discovered.

"This discovery shows that AI is seeing things that humans cannot or at least ignore and think normal , " Fornwalt said. He said that AI will help humans overcome the flaws that have existed for decades.

The full text of the research will be presented at the annual Scientific Conference organized by the American Heart Association in Dallas on November 16.

According to Futurism, this is not the first time scientists have sought to create AI that can predict death. In 2018, Google researchers created a computer that calculates the time of hospitalization, the time of discharge, and the likelihood of a patient's death based on electronic health data.

  1. Artificial intelligence can predict when a patient will die
  2. Google is trying to answer when patients will die