The ancient pyramid was discovered in Bosnian

Picture 1 of The ancient pyramid was discovered in Bosnian A Bosnian archaeologist Semir Osmanagic announced the discovery of an ancient structure on a Herzegovina, Bosnian hill - which he thinks might be an ancient pyramid.

Professor Aly Abd Alla Barakata, an archaeologist from the Egyptian mineral and fuel agency, was invited to verify the site. Barakata was the first foreign expert to come to Bosnia at the invitation of Osmanagic. . According to Barakata, this may be a form of ancient pyramid.

The argument about the existence of an ancient Bosnian pyramid was fiercely rejected by archaeologists in the country. 22 Bosnian archaeologists also signed a report that Osmanagic is an amateur and the structure on the hill above is simply a natural soil. There is no historical milestone in this region about the development of pyramids.

However, according to Professor Barakata, this is certainly not a product of nature and it is quite possible that it is an ancient pyramid. He is conducting tests to determine the exact age of this ancient structure. He also asked more Egyptian archaeologists to help him with this verification.

If so, the history of all humanity needs to be rewritten.