The best parts of vegetables are often removed
Beetroot leaves are rich in fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins A and K, have a half-flavored taste like beetroots, half as kale, and eat very well. But when cooking, housewives often remove leaves.
An adult needs about 2 glasses of fruit and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables a day for good health. This standard can be more easily achieved if we do not throw away the many useful parts of fruits and vegetables such as seeds, shells, stems, and leafy vegetables . You should not throw apples of vegetables fruits into trash bins because they bring many long-term health benefits. That's not to mention that we can contribute to limiting food waste that is happening globally.
1. Red cabbage stems
A 2006 study found that in these brightly colored stems, there was a significant amount of glutamine (an amino acid that plays an important role in body healing and recovery). Therefore, nutrition experts recommend not to throw it away, but to cut the stalk to cook with the leaves will be very delicious.
Many housewives have a habit of taking only leafy vegetables to cook.That is a mistake.
2. Amaranth
According to 'The Complete Leafy Greens Cookbook' , although we harvest beetroot to get cooking tubers, in fact the leaves are the first development part. Beetroot leaves provide fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin A and K. Amaranth leaves have a half-flavored taste like beetroots, half like kale, are also delicious.
Taking advantage of both the amaranth leaves when preparing food will bring many benefits to the body.
3. Watermelon skin
This summer's succulent fruit contains an amount of acid called L-citrulline, which helps the body to function better, reducing muscle soreness. In a 2003 study by the US Department of Agriculture, citrulline helped to remove blood nitrogen, also found in watermelon skin.
4. Green radish leaves
Like other radishes, flavored cabbage blends sweet and spicy. It is also rich in vitamins A and K, along with a rich source of fiber, iron, potassium .
5. Potato peel
Potato meat has a lot of nutrients, but the potato peel contains more fiber. According to the American Institute of Nutrition and Eating, potato peels contain a variety of B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, calcium and potassium, along with other nutrients. This finding does not encourage you to remove potatoes to eat, but change your habits, such as baking baked potatoes.
6. Pumpkin seeds
When peeling the pumpkin, take the spoon out to the side. About half a cup of pumpkin seeds contains more magnesium than the daily recommended amount. Low magnesium levels can lead to heart disease, osteoporosis and headaches. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in iron and protein, as well as some plant compounds called phytosterols, which have been shown to help reduce bad cholesterol levels.
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