The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

A rare breed of chicken in Indonesia famous for everything in its body, from blood, tongue to crest, are all black. Their prices can be up to 2,500 USD.

A rare breed of chicken in Indonesia famous for everything in its body, from blood, tongue to crest, are all black. Their prices can be up to 2,500 USD.

Picture 1 of The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

The rare and expensive Ayam Cemani breed originates from the Indonesian island of Java.

Picture 2 of The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

They 'traveled' to Europe in 1998. In Indonesian, the word 'Ayam' means 'chicken' and 'Cemani' means 'completely black'.

Picture 3 of The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

Ayam Cemani's feathers, beaks, tongues, legs, toenails are all black.Even their flesh, blood and bone marrow are black.

Picture 4 of The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

According to scientists, fibromelanosis in chickens promotes the development of black pigment cells.The gene that produces fibromelanosis is a mutant gene.Fibromelanosis has existed in Asia more than 800 years ago.The mutation has produced many other breeds of chickens such as Swedish black chickens or Svart Hona that are also black in color like Ayam Cemani.

Picture 5 of The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

Ayam Cemani is one of the most expensive chicken breeds in the world at a price of up to 2,500 USD / animal (equivalent to more than 50 million VND).

Picture 6 of The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

In Asian countries, people think that Ayam Cemani chicken is good for women before and after childbirth.

Picture 7 of The breed of precious chicken is black from the inside out

Even many people believe that Ayam Cemani brings luck and their crowing brings prosperity.

Update 16 December 2018



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