The device allows for balancing health on different planets

Recently, American researchers have invented a type of health scale, which can display the weight of dieters on other planets of the solar system, and help them understand. more knowledge related to the solar system.

Recently, American researchers have invented a type of health scale, which can display the weight of dieters on other planets of the solar system, and help them understand. more knowledge related to the solar system.

Picture 1 of The device allows for balancing health on different planets

The Talking Teaching Solar System Scale
The planets in the solar system. Dieters have
They know their different weights on each planet.

This new study contributes to relieving worries for obese people. If you are not satisfied with your weight, instead of fasting or exercising in gyms, you may know your weight in the corresponding solar system.

This weight carpet Talking Teaching Solar System named Scale (roughly translated Scales explaining the solar system) are sold at retail stores Schlemmer Hammacher-American for 50 usd. On the surface of this scale show full information about 7 planets and the moon.

Physicist Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson made the sound of the carpet. When you set foot on any of the 'planets' on the scale, it will instantly generate information related to that planet, such as introducing the concept of gravity, weight, quality. When you set foot on Jupiter, you will immediately see that Jupiter has no surface to land on, just a thick ring of atmosphere, and when you reach Mercury, you will know by day. Mercury is hotter than the temperature of a pizza oven, but it's colder than the refrigerator at night.

References: Daily Mail

Update 11 December 2018



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