The effects of salty eating on the human body

Excess salt not only causes your body to accumulate water, causing heavy, flatulence, but also increases blood pressure, risk of stroke, cardiovascular ...

Excess salt not only causes your body to accumulate water, causing heavy, flatulence, but also increases blood pressure, risk of stroke, cardiovascular .

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A new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that about 1.65 million deaths are related to high salt intake each year. In fact, in the US alone, about 10% of all deaths from heart disease are associated with too much salt. There are many harms related to eating too much of this spice. Kristin Kirkpatrick, nutritionist in Cleveland, USA lists the most common problems:

You feel bloated

When you eat salty, your body starts to retain excess fluid. In contrast, this excess fluid makes you bloating and feels heavier than usual.

You increase your blood pressure

"Excess fluid increases your blood pressure," Kirkpatrick said. In fact, a study by British Medical Journal in 2011 said a series of other studies showed "a direct relationship between salt intake and blood pressure" . The study authors said that reducing 4.6 grams of salt in the daily diet will help reduce blood pressure. In other words, the more salt you eat, the more blood pressure increases.

Picture 1 of The effects of salty eating on the human body

High salt foods can stimulate the stomach lining.

Increased risk of stroke

The same study, published in the British Medical Journal, shows that high blood pressure leads to a higher risk of stroke.

The more you want to eat salty

Your taste adapts to the salinity over time, which means you want to eat more and more salt."People will eat more and more salty over time," says Kirkpatrick. Try eating healthy foods to reduce the craving for salty body.

Kidney damage

Hypertension can also lead to kidney failure because hypertension creates more pressure on arteries leading to kidneys, Kirkpatrick said. Evidence: A 2013 study in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that people with chronic kidney disease can improve kidney function by reducing salt consumption.

Cognitive decline

Increased blood pressure also causes problems to your brain, Kirkpatrick said. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2011 showed that a high-salt diet and sedentary lifestyle are more related to cognitive decline in old age.

The risk of heart disease increases

A study by many universities published in British Medical Journal in 2009 found that high levels of sodium are directly related to cardiovascular disease. And another study, just published in July 2014 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, showed that too much salt in the diet doubled the risk of cardiovascular disease for diabetics.

Ulcers and stomach cancer

Nitrate in salt can cause stomach cancer. In addition, high salt foods can stimulate the stomach lining; It also does not rule out the risk of stomach ulcers.

Slow down brain activity

A recent study indicates that excessive use of salt may affect brain activity and some cognitive abilities. It may even cause dementia.

Physiological influence

Eating too salty will affect the kidneys, kidneys are one of the important parts that determine the physiology of men. Therefore, eating a moderate amount of salt is okay but eating too salty will hurt the new epidemic, weakening the spirit that affects male physiology.

Indirectly causes asthma

Picture 2 of The effects of salty eating on the human body

DNA structure is at risk of being destroyed if the body accumulates too much salt.

Some cases of patients with salt related osteoporosis. The amount of salt in the body is less of a cause of calcium deficiency osteoporosis.

However, excess salt will increase calcium excretion, weaken bones and also cause osteoporosis, especially for menopausal women.

There are many studies on the effect of salt on DNA structure, in which the American Heart and Lung Institute concluded: DNA structure is at risk of being destroyed if the body accumulates too much salt.

Affects blood sugar levels

If you have diabetes, excess salt can seriously affect blood sugar.

Influences bone

You may lose calcium in your bones if you eat too much salt. This can also lead to osteoporosis.


Although there is no direct relationship, high salt foods make you drink more water. When you choose sugary drinks, the calorie intake increases and you are at risk for weight gain and obesity. In addition, due to water retention, your body starts to grow fat.

Update 15 December 2018



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