The first 'vegetarian' shark in the world

A shark named Florence raised at Birmingham National Marine Life Center (BSLC, UK) became the first 'vegetarian' shark in the world, the Daily Mail reported. The 'shark' of Florence, about 1.8 meters long (shark Ginglymostoma cirratum) is 'vegetarian' like lettuce, celery, cucumber and loins

A shark named Florence raised at Birmingham National Marine Life Center (BSLC, UK) became the world's first 'vegetarian' shark, the bulletin.

>>>Glow sharks

The Florence ' shark ', about 1.8 meters long ( Ginglymostoma cirratum ) is 'vegetarian' like lettuce, celery, cucumber and other vegetables.

Picture 1 of The first 'vegetarian' shark in the world

Florence just likes 'vegetarian' like vegetables - (Photo: BSLC / Daily Mail)

In 2009, Florence had to undergo a dangerous surgery to remove a rusty hook from the jaw. After recovering, Florence was taken to BSLC to take care of and since then, Florence only likes 'fasting' .

But in fact, Graham Burrows manager at BSLC said: 'We have to find ways to replenish proteins for Florence like putting sandwiches between vegetables'.

According to, Florence is not the first case of a predator not eating meat. That was in 1950, the American couple George and Margaret Westbeau created a work about a lion named Little Tyke 'refusing' to eat meat right after being born. George raised Little Tyke growing up only with food sources of milk, cereals and eggs.

Picture 2 of The first 'vegetarian' shark in the world

Florence sharks are surgically removed from the jaw - (Photo: BSLC /

Picture 3 of The first 'vegetarian' shark in the world

Fishing hook removed - (Photo: BSLC /

Picture 4 of The first 'vegetarian' shark in the world

BSLC employees had to stuff meat between vegetables
Protein supplement for Florence - (Photo: BSLC / Daily Mail)

Update 17 December 2018



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