Science has recently confirmed that one of the most classic predatory sharks in the world is actually omnivorous.

Information about sharks is not always scary, typically strange stories revolving around its eggs.

The ocean accounts for three-quarters of the Earth's surface that we live in. There is a surprising fact that the number of people who have set foot on the Moon is many times that

American scientists were surprised when a big shark jumped up and swallowed the small shark they had just caught.

Christopher Johnston, an offshore fisherman in the Indian Ocean, discovered a double-headed blue shark after slaughtering a pregnant shark on a boat off Australia.

A shark named Florence raised at Birmingham National Marine Life Center (BSLC, UK) became the first 'vegetarian' shark in the world, the Daily Mail reported. The 'shark' of

The National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department - Nafiqad (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) has just said that, through inspection and analysis of